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Divided We Fall – Why we need Care now more then ever

“Without a care in the world.” A phrase used by a bystander to describe a carefree individual, or by a mother to describe a negligent child who is acting carefree whilst avoiding responsibilities. In all of the many iterations of the phrase, the commonality among them all is the phrase’s depiction of an absence of…

Caring on the 4th of July

On July 4, 1776  The people of this nation rejoiced  Declaring their independence  With their voice  While the pain  Inflicted upon my people by the white man’s reign  Continued through the night. So as the cry  Of the white people resounded  So did the cries of my people  As their hearts pounded  To the rhythm…

Caring for Our Youth

We live in a merciless world. A world where a ten year old girl can get pepper sprayed in the face  for fighting against racism, because even at her young age  she is viewed as a threat  And consequently is robbed of the privilege to be ignorant of the challenges facing her race. We live…

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